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use our player props to make money in JUST 10 minutes per day

Get access TO AS MANY AS 10 exclusive player props every day to expand your sports trading profits 

Here’s What you’ll get 

When you sign up today:

Sports Day trader Diary

Get free access to the Sports Day Trader Diary and weekly expert newsletter that teaches you step by step the secrets of highly profitable sports trading while your build your bankroll with our arbitrage trades.

up to 10 Hand-picked props every day

Based on our proven sports trading software system we will hand pick up to 10 profitable player props for you daily that you can place to make profits.

Less Effort

With just 10 minutes per day you can easily build a steady income stream based on the trades we deliver every day. It's the best way to build your bankroll and grow your daily trades.

LIKE-minded Community

As a member you get instant access to our community where you can chat with other like-minded people that on the same sports trading journey. Also you can join exclusive live video session with our sports trading experts that will help you with your questions live.

Why join GSBN?

Benefit from a proven system

Our proprietary sports day trading software and investment platform gives you the information and tools you need to simply follow along and consistently make money betting. The picks and teams you trade are an incredibly important part of being successful day trading sports. But, make no mistake, the trading platform that tells you the exact amount to risk/bet is just as important. Our sports day trading platform not only gives you the exact teams to bet, but the exact percentage to risk on each and every bet/trade. Long-term successful sports trading is about a betting/trading platform that includes money management, risk mitigation, and taking short term profits while also building your capital account/bankroll. 

We guide you through a step-by-step process of our complete platform, teaching you how to be a successful long-term sports trader, while also showing you the process of taking short term profits, as well as reinvesting a portion of your profits to grow your capital account/bankroll. This allows you to make long term exponential profits year after year.

Get Started

join our community today and upgrade your sports trading profits

Your membership
You get up to 10 player props Per Day – Suggested Minimum Bankroll: $1,000.00 for $10 units
Perfect to grow your profit


Per Week

Thinking about joining?

Ger your questions answered…

How many Sports Day Trades will be Provided Each Day?

You get up to 10 exclusive Player Props Per Day – Suggested Minimum Bankroll: $1,000 for $10.00 units

How much money to I need to use the sports trades?

We recommend a bankroll of at least $1K to use GSBN Player Props for the highest possible returns. If you want to start with a lower bankroll please see our other products; we also offer packages for beginners. 

how familiar with sports or sports betting do i need to be to follow along with the sports bet information and be successful?

We provide all the pertinent information in an easy-to-follow format broken down in percentages of risk as it relates to your personal capital account/bankroll. Whether you are a seasoned or amateur sports bettor, we give you everything you need to become successful long-term.

When do you post the Sports Day Trades?

The trades are posted no later than one hour before our first game of day. Sometimes, they will be posted the night before the bets are to be placed. Keep in mind we personally bet on the same sports bets we give to our subscribers, so there will be ample time to get in your bets. 

If I buy a Subscription, can I cancel or get a refund?

There are no refunds issued, but you can cancel the auto-renew option for your subscription at any time and your access will be automatically stop at the end of the last weekly payment cycle.

How will I receive the daily bet information worksheets?

You have to sign up for a GSBN account during the checkout process. You will get your specific community role assigned automatically and can access our community chat as well as your sports trade worksheets. 

Join GSBN today!